I've Been Interviewed!!

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I don't trust blogger so I'm posting tomorrow's entry now!

Wow! I am so feeling the love this week! Friday I was Muzikdude's Mystery Blog and my blog doesn't suck! And today I'm being interviewed by Square Slant. And last week I won Demented Michelle's April Fool's contest AND Rebecca, one of my contenders gave me her prize $$...I owe lots of people coffee now ;0) Thanks to every-lovin'-body!!!

So, here are my questions and answers. Hope you enjoy!

1. You believe in ghosts! Do you think everyone that dies comes back? If not why do some come back and others don’t? When you die – where or who would you like to “haunt?”

Yes, "I do believe in spooks...I do believe in spooks...I do-I do- I do believe in spooks!" As much as my Catholic upbringing tells me not to, I do believe in spirits, ghosts, apparitions, specters, whatever you want to call them. Seen too many and had too many weird things happen to me not to. I think those who pass on with some sort of trauma or in a violent manner, who somehow don't "know" they are dead or have something left undone in this lifetime, come back. Some come back to say goodbye, others don't know they've left and stay in one place, hence a place is "haunted".

When I die...first, I'd like to die peacefullyand having learned all my life lessons so I won't have to come back, but if for some reason that is not the case, I would love to "haunt" all the crazy psychic people who claim to see things and steal poor *souls* money, and then maybe come back to say hi to my kids once in a while ;0)

2. Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother is going to pay you a visit at 5pm on Saturday. She will grant you a wish – the catch – at midnight it all goes poof! What is your wish?

"I wanna be a cowboy bay-bee"...sorry...that's just what popped into my head. No seriously, I would want to be a singer/performer and perform a live show in front of a Aerosmith type audience. There is nothing better than a true rock'n'roll concert with beautiful talented people on stage. I LOVE to sing! Can't carry a tune in a bucket, but I love to do it anyway. We dance around our house and sing at the top of our lungs, out of tune, wrong lyrics, laughing and dancing our butts off. Complete and utter fun!! And, since nobody can create World Peace in 7 hours...I want to be a Rock Star!

3. You have two wonderful boys! I know you love them. Were you secretly hoping for a girl when you got pregnant the second time? Do you plan on having other children or is two enough?
Did your husband treat you differently during the first pregnancy as compared to the second?

Hey, do you know me in my non-virtual life? Yes, I was secretly hoping for a girl. As a matter of fact, I was certain J-man #2 was a girl... until I saw the third leg. Surprise! Not a girl. That's okay... God gave me boys for a reason. Girls at this stage of the game are bossy, sassy, and whiney! The whining sends my patience in to the ground in approximately 2.2 seconds on a good day. Besides, aside from the all the incredibly adoreable clothing for girls, they just get harder to deal with as they get older! Then you have to worry about the whole dating thing...boys etc. etc. This is certainly not to say I don't love them little girly girls..I am one! But, I think I was meant to raise boys, and I'm having a great time doing it!

We are done with the pregnancy thing. I'm 37 and my body didn't like being pregnant the first two times (though mentally, I loved it!). I could barely walk by my 5th month with my second. My hips gave out. So, we're done. We got a girl dog instead! The boys are getting old enough now that we can do stuff without having to carry all the baby paraphanalia and they understand things better too.

My husband didn't treat me differently during the second preganancy, although, he was a different person. He lost his father at a young age and so during the first pregnacy he was having some father issues of his own. For the second, I could say he was much more understanding and comfortable with the whole thing, which I guess in turn, made it easier on me.

My first baby baby gift was a pair of diamond earrings....my second baby baby gift was a digital camera ;0)

4. You are forced to get a tattoo (or another tattoo if you already have one) what would it be or say and where would you put it?

No forcing here!! I've always wanted one and just haven't gotten around to it..someday. I would put it on the outside of my ankle, probably just above the bone and it would be a peace sign drawn with really simple flowers and leaves about the size of a quarter. That's it.

5. They say marriage is hard work. Do you find it to be so – if you do what is the hardest part?

No, not at all. Definitely challenging at times, but I love my husband, I love being married, I love my kids, it's all I've ever wanted. I often wish for just enough. Just enough money to get by, just enough food to feed my family, and maybe more than enough time to spend with my kids and hubby. It's always worked out. Communication is our biggest strength and spending quality time together seems to be our weakness, but we're working on that ;0)

Wow!! That wasn't as hard as I thought it would be :0) Thanks SS!!!

Now, if you would like to be interviewed, just let me know! Leave me a comment saying “interview me.”I will respond by asking you five questions here. They will be different questions than the ones above. You will then update YOUR blog with the answers to the questions.Then you can include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post. Finally, repeat what I've just done! Simple yes?

Good, off you go then! Have a great day!